Thursday, 7 May 2015


So I thought i’d do a little post about having grey/white/ lilac hair.  My hairisn’t just one of these colours right now, it appears to be all three so here goes.
Two weeks ago I made the transition from brown ombre, to what it is now.  My mum bleached it for me at home (my hairdresser recommended this as it worked out much cheaper for me).  We used Freeze Lites bleach, used a lot because my hair is mid-length, needed roughly three packets each time to actually coat my hair.  Although neither of us had ever done this before so we were just guessing.  It was bleached three times.  The first, it turned a strange yellow/orange colour, the second, went more yellow/white, the third was white but still yellowy.
Next was a trip to the salon.  5 hours, two toning sessions and some silver shampoo and my hair was finally more grey than yellow.  Its a very high maintenance colour though, because it doesn’t take much for the yellowy tones from my hair to come through they grey, this means that as well as silver shampoo, I am still using toner, which is what is leaving it a lilac colour in parts.  I am however very pleased with the result, but apprehensive for it growing out as it will be a nightmare to keep it! Anyone thinking of going for something different I’d thoroughly recommend you do! I’d thought about it a while last year but figured it was too risky, but I’m so glad I actually went through with it!

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